
Smith And Wesson Model 915 Manual Lawn

By Carter Ramsey Ah, the good old Smith & Wesson double/single action guns. Woefully under appreciated and confusingly named (numbered?), these pistols kept many a beat cop company during the 1990’s and early 2000’s before being supplanted by Gaston’s gat. Many of these PD trade-in guns, including even the gorgeous 5906 TSW, find themselves tucked away in the used gun cabinet of misfit pistols at local gun stores.

John Deere Z-915B “Zero turn” lawn mower (352 hrs) 72 inch. John Deere 445 lawn tractor w/. Various power & hand tools, drills, Sawzall. Craftsman rolling tool box. 3, 1, SMITH & WESSON HANDGUN REVOLVER.357 cal., SN# AFH7400, 6 INCH BARREL, MODEL 686. 4, 1, CHARLES DAILY 20 GA. Smith and wesson 9mm model 915 owners manual.

Smith And Wesson 915 Sights

Gun shoppers, their eyes aglow with the latest tiny niney or mortgage-sucking AR, pay no attention to these perfectly capable handguns. Saddest and most neglected of all is the Model 910. Far Cry 3 Cd Key Crack Download there. The 910 is part of the short-lived “value line.” The gun gets its name from being chambered in 9mm, and having 10-round magazines. The 910 came to life in 1995, shortly after the miserable Assault Weapons Ban took effect, and as such was manufactured and shipped with 10-round magazines. Smith & Wesson saved money in several other ways, replacing the guide rod and magazine release with plastic parts instead of metal, and the gun features more simple machining than its fancier brethren. It still has a certain air of Smith & Wesson quality to it, despite being one of the most inexpensive guns they’ve produced. The 910 does not feel cheap, and has a great looking classic 90’s cop movie look to it. The slide is steel, and the frame is a metal alloy.

Smith And Wesson Mod 915

The 910 was manufactured between 1995-2004. I was lucky to acquire one several years ago for a cool $200 from a police department that was apparently quite late to the Combat Tupperware party. My particular example came with pretty heavy holster wear, and if you run across one of these in a gun store it most likely will as well. No matter, the 910 is anything but a safe queen. It is a beater gun extraordinaire, and despite being a value gun, the fit and finish are quite good. Luckily, my gun came wit three 15-round magazines instead of 10-rounders. The slide racks as smooth as silk, and the stainless steel barrel reeks of quality.

I have no clue how many rounds this gun has through it, but the barrel looks to be in tip-top shape for a gun that is at minimum a decade old. The 910 sports plastic Novak sights, which get the job done, though if you wish to switch the sights out there are many aftermarket options available. The 910 rocks an external slide safety that is large enough to be engaged and disengaged easily, even under duress. I’m not a huge fan of manual safeties, but at least the 910’s is intuitive.

The safety also functions as a decocker, so you cannot carry the 910 cocked and locked, typical of most DA/SA guns. The gun also unfortunately features a magazine disconnect safety. The idea behind this is that if an officer is grappling with someone over the gun, he can eject the magazine, effectively disabling the gun and giving the suspect a nice piece of metal to beat him with.

Having been in multiple aggravated physical confrontations before, I can tell you hitting that switch in that situation is easier said than done. My other issue is that I am a huge fan of dry fire for practicing, and having to have the magazine inserted during dry fire is disconcerting. I just use the gun as a range toy so all the safety “features” aren’t really an issue for me, but if you plan on buying the 910 as a self defense gun on a budget, keep those considerations in mind. I haven’t shot the 910 often the past several years as I have focused most of my shooting time and money with GLOCKs, since they are what I use for my job, but relished busting the 910 out to put some rounds through it for this review.

When I first picked up the gun, extended my arms and pointed it down range, the front sight was nowhere to be found. Perplexed, I canted my wrists up and, voila, there it was. The grip angle of the 910 is nearly vertical, and after shooting so many GLOCKs and M&Ps for so long, my natural instinct is to angle the gun with the front end pointed towards the floor. After some minor correcting I got it squared away, though when I pulled my GLOCK 17 out later in the day I had it pointed nearly at the ceiling after shooting the 910. Not a deal breaker by any means, but another factor to keep in mind when considering a purchase. Freemi Upnp Installation Manual. The initial double action trigger pull feels like shooting a revolver. The pull is smooth and refined, as expected from Smith & Wesson, but very long and heavy.