Smart Gwt File Upload Examples
May 28, 2013 Developing applications with Smart GWT. Can anyone point me to a working example of file download. Look at the Upload /. Handling File Upload Responses in GWT. (As for how to make the file upload request, the FormPanel JavaDoc already provides an example.).
One of the key features of GWT Uploader is that it will attempt to handle the upload process using an HTML5 approach (taking advantage of the capabilities provided by the and APIs) if the browser can support it. However, for browsers that can not support those capabilities, it transparently fails over to use the library instead. In order to work around security limitations in Flash 10, the SWFUpload library has to manage the button for you that the user will click on in order to select the files they wish to upload. Celkon A95 Pc Suite Software Free Download more. Therefore, the GWT Uploader technology can be added to your application by creating an 'org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.Uploader' object, configuring it as you see put, and then adding it to any GWT layout container, just like any other GWT widget works.
E.g., here's an example of setting up a chart as the root widget of your GWT panel. To support compatibility with security limitations imposed by Flash (which will only be used if the browser doesn't support the necessary APIs, otherwise a pure DHTML/Javascript approach will be used) the GWT Uploader library has to manage control of the display of the text or button that the user will click on when they're ready to select a file to upload. There are two different ways that you can manage the way this is rendered. You can either just use plain text (stylized with basic CSS as needed). Uploader uploader = new Uploader().setButtonImageURL('/resources/upload_new_version_button.png').setButtonWidth(133).setButtonHeight(22); In the above example was used, which shows how the image is broken down into four sprites designating the 1.) active/normal state of the button, 2.) the hover state, 3.) the mouse down state, and 4.) the inactive state. Note that, although the GWT Uploader API doesn't technically require it (since it also supports a drag/drop upload mechanism) it is still recommended that you use one of the above techniques to render an upload link or button somewhere in your application, since not all browsers support drag-and-drop file uploads.
Now that the newer is supported in most modern browsers the ability to allow the user to drag and drop files from their file system onto a target area in the browser and then automatically begin the upload is much more easily achievable. To support this type of upload approach the GWT Uploader package provides a couple of helpful features. One is the static 'Uploader.getDroppedFiles()' method that can be coupled with the 'addFilesToQueue()' instance method to conveniently get dropped files into the upload queue on a drop event.
I have been trying todo file upload with the above code but am getting some difficults in ubuntu 12.04 running tomacat 6 server. Can some help please. The following is what i got in log file type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception root cause java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getServletContext()Ljavax/servlet/ServletContext; FileUploadServlet.doGet( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.35 logs.