Serial Port Labview Tutorial
Using LabVIEW with RS232 or RS485 Data Acquisition Interfaces Phone:(705) 671-2652 Fax:(705) 671-6127 Email: Using LabVIEW to Send Commands via RS232 to ADR Interfaces LM335 Temperature Measurement 1. Introduction The following application demonstrates how LabVIEW can be used with ADR interfaces, or any ASCII based serial data acquisition and control interface. The application is a simple temperature measurement and plot using an and an. It is assumed the user has a basic knowledge of LabVIEW, however, no prior experience with LabVIEW is required as long as the user manual is available to help with the generic tasks. Figure 1 shows our final operating panel for the application in operation. The panel allows adjustment of the sample rate via a rotary knob, and displays temperature vs.
Time in a graph format. A digital reading of present temperature is also provided.
The hardware consists of an ADR112 connected to com2, interfaced to an LM335 temperature sensor connected to AN0. Figure 1: Final Operating Panel 2. Lets Get Started. Start labview, and an blank panel will appear called untitled.VI.
Using Labview Serial Communication with Arduino. Requirement 1.Labview Program 2.NI-VISA Driver. Using LabVIEW with serial ( RS232, RS485 ) data acquisition interfaces.
Save the VI as a file called 'START'. We will now place various controls and indicators on the blank panel that will become the applications operating controls and indicators.
Using the CONTROLS menu, place on the following on the panel; A waveform chart from CONTROLS/ARRAY AND GRAPH/WAVEFORM CHART A numeric knob from CONTROLS/NUMERIC/KNOB A vertical switch from CONTROLS/BOOLEAN/VERTICAL SWITCH A numeric indicator from CONTROLS/NUMERIC/DIGITAL INDICATOR. Arrange the items as shown in Figure 2 using the pointer to add labels by right clicking on each item and typing it in. Baixar The Legend Of Zelda Minish Cap Em Portugues.
Change the scale on the waveform chart vertical axis to 0 to 4095 using the hand icon. Egyptian Revival Font Free Download. Figure 2: Initial Panel Layout Use the hot key, CTRL-F to show the control diagram. Arrange the items to the positions shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Initial Control Diagram 3. Building the Program Before starting to build the program we must understand what we want the program to do for us. We should have a basic knowledge the application hardware and desired operating parameters.
This application will require the software to send an 'RD0' command ( followed by a carriage return ) to the ADR112, causing it to respond with a four digit integer number from 0000 to 4095 representing the temperature data in 12-bit format. The data must then be scaled and displayed on the front panel in degrees Celsius in a digital display and in a waveform chart showing temperature history. The basic program will repeat this operation at a rate determined by our adjustable sample rate knob. For this we will start by selecting a WHILE LOOP using FUNCTIONS/STUCTSANDCONSTANTS/WHILELOOP. Position the loop as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Adding the While Loop We will now add the components required to have the loop execute at an adjustable interval by adding a few more components.
Add the following three components; A wait function timer from FUNCTIONS/TIMEANDDIALOG/WAIT A multiply function from FUNCTIONS/ARITHMATIC/MULTIPLY A numeric constant from FUNCTIONS/STUCTSANDCONSTANTS/NUMERICCONSTANT Position the items as shown in Figure 5 and wire them as shown using the wiring tool. Autoturn Training Manual. The timer will now delay repeated execution of the loop by 1000 times the setting of the sample rate knob on the front panel.( in ms). If the knob is set at one, the sample rate will be 1 second ( 1000 X 1=1000ms ), if the knob is set at 0.5 the sample rate will be 0.5 seconds ( 1000 X 0.5 = 500ms), etc. The on/off slide switch is wired as shown to enable or disable the loop from running.