
Exempted Meaning In Bengali

Ex•empt′i•ble, adj. Braid Serial Keygen Patch.

Late 14c., from Old French exempt (13c.) and directly from Latin exemptus, past participle of eximere Sachin Tamil Film Theme Music Free Download. 'remove, take out, take away; free, release, deliver, make an exception of,' from ex- 'out' (see ) + emere 'buy,' originally 'take,' from PIE root *em- 'to take, distribute' (cf. Latin sumere 'to take, obtain, buy,' Old Church Slavonic imo 'to take,' Lithuanian imui, Sanskrit yamati 'holds, subdues'). For sense shift from 'take' to 'buy,' compare Old English sellan 'to give,' source of Modern English 'to give in exchange for money;' Hebrew laqah 'he bought,' originally 'he took;' and colloquial English I'll take it for 'I'll buy it.'

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